Monday, November 16, 2009

Fw: Morning Bell: A Deathblow for Obamacare



The Heritage Foundation

The Morning Bell

MONDAY, NOV. 16, 2009

Standing in the Rose Garden on November 7th, President Barack Obama celebrated the passage of the House health care bill claiming: "The Affordable Health Care for America Act is a piece of legislation that will provide stability and security for Americans who have insurance; quality, affordable options for those who don't; and bring down the cost of health care for families, businesses, and our government, while strengthening the financial health of Medicare."

Recent Entries

Video: Pelosi Says Jail "Very Fair" Punishment For Not Buying Health Insurance
Obama to Copenhagen but No Berlin?
Obama's Public Option for Gitmo
President Obama's Trade Failure
The Logic of Obamacare

Quite a bold statement if true. But a report released Friday by the non-partisan and independent Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the agency in charge of running Medicare and Medicaid, blows the lid off of every one of Obama's claims. All of the following quotes are from the report itself:

Health Care Costs Increase: "In aggregate, we estimate that for calendar years 2010 through 2019 [national health expenditures (NHE)] would increase by $289 billion, or 0.8 percent, over the updates baseline projection that was released on June 29, 2009." In other words, Obamacare bends the cost curve up, not down.

Millions Lose Existing Private Coverage: "However, a number of workers who currently have employer coverage would likely become enrolled in the expanded Medicaid program or receive subsidized coverage through the Exchange. For example, some smaller employers would be inclined to terminate their existing coverage, and companies with low average salaries might find it to their - and their employees' - advantage to end their plans … We estimate that such actions would collectively reduce the number of people with employer-sponsored health coverage by about 12 million." In other words, Obamacare will cause millions of Americans to lose their existing private coverage.

Millions Pay Fines Yet Remain Uncovered: "18 million are estimated to choose not to be insured and to pay the penalty associated with the individual mandate. For the most part, these would be individuals with relatively low health care expenses for whom the individual or family insurance premium would be significantly in excess of the penalty and their anticipated health benefit value." In other words, 18 million Americans will either face jail time or be forced to pay a new tax they will receive no benefit from.

Millions Lose Medicare Advantage: "Section 1161 of Division B of H.R. 3962 would set Medicare Advantage capitation benchmarks … We estimate that in 2014 when the MA provisions would be fully phased in, enrollment in MA plans would decreased by 64 percent (from its projected level of 13.2 million under current law to 4.7 million under the proposal)." In other words, 8.5 million seniors who currently get such services as coor­dinated care for chronic conditions, routine eye and hearing examinations, and preventive-care services would lose their existing private coverage.

Millions Placed on Welfare: "Of the additional 34 million who are estimated to be insured in 2019 as a result of H.R. 3962, about three-fifths (21 million) would receive Medicaid coverage due to the expansion of eligibility to those adults under 150 percent of the FPL." In other words, more than half the people who gain health insurance will receive it through the welfare program Medicaid.

Seniors Access to Care Jeopardized: "H.R. 3962 would introduce permanent annual productivity adjustments to price updates for institutional providers… Over time, a sustained reduction in payment updates, based on productivity expectations that are difficult to attain, would cause Medicare payment rates to grow more slowly than and in a way that was unrelated to, the providers' costs of furnishing services to beneficiaries. Thus, providers for whom Medicare constitutes a substantive portion of their business could find it difficult to remain profitable and might end their participation in the program (possibly jeopardizing access to care for beneficiaries)." In other words, the Medicare cuts in the House bill are so out of touch with reality that hospitals currently serving Medicare patients might be forced to stop doing so. Thus making it much more difficult for seniors to get health care.

Poor's Access Problems Exacerbated: "In practice, supply constraints might interfere with providing the services by the additional 34 million insured persons. …providers might tend to accept more patients who have private insurance (with relatively attractive payment rates) and fewer Medicaid patients, exacerbating existing access problems for the latter group." In other words, those 21 million people who are gaining health insurance through Medicaid are going to have a very tough time finding a doctor who will treat them.

Reacting in part to Friday's CMS report, Robert J. Samuelson writes in today's Washington Post:

The disconnect between what President Obama says and what he's doing is so glaring that most people could not abide it. The president, his advisers and allies have no trouble. But reconciling blatantly contradictory objectives requires them to engage in willful self-deception, public dishonesty, or both.

There is a reason why as more Americans learn about Obamacare, the less popular it gets.


Commenting on President Barack Obama's meeting with Emperor Akihito of Japan, an academic with expertise about the Japanese Empire tells ABC News: "The bow as he performed did not just display weakness in Red State terms, but evoked weakness in Japanese terms….The last thing the Japanese want or need is a weak looking American president and, again, in all ways, he unintentionally played that part."
Thanks to conservatives in Congress, President Obama has been "hobbled" in his search for a global warming treaty.
The government paid more than $47 billion in questionable Medicare claims including medical treatment showing little relation to a patient's condition, wasting taxpayer money at a rate nearly three times that of the previous year.
Former Assistant Secretary of Treasury and Deputy Assistant to President George W. Bush Tony Fratto explains why President Obama's trip, and his "new engagement" with Asia, ignores the achievements of many past U.S. presidents.
After $111 billion in bailouts for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the Federal Housing Administration is also close to a taxpayer bailout.

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Sunday, November 15, 2009


    Everyone understands that the TERRORISTS being transferred from Gitmo to New York for trial, will enjoy the same Constitutional protections of an American citizen. This protection is provided by the XIV Amendment, Section 1, known as the "Equal Protection Clause."  The Terrorists are clearly NOT United States citizens.
    Now certain members of Congress, advocating health care reform legislation, tell us "Illegal aliens" would NOT be covered by their proposed legislation. While the Supreme Court has not directly ruled on this issue, it has ruled on cases that might give an indication of how they will ultimately rule. In the case of Brown v. Board of Education, they ruled, separate but equal, is not constitutional.
    Brown v. Board of education only came into being, because public education existed. It is logical to conclude that if Public Health care comes into being, Illegal aliens could NOT be excluded. Illegal alien children can not now be excluded from public education. It is hard to believe the proponents of public health care, that also claim it would not cover Illegal's are not aware of this.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Emailing: The American Spectator The Man Who Despises America


The American Spectator


The Obama Watch

The Man Who Despises America

The very next paragraph is going to make the nut jobs on the far left excitable beyond belief. I am not referring to all Democrats or even a majority of liberals. I am singling out the "they've-lost-all-touch-with-reality" crowd. This includes Media Matters for America led by the admitted hit-and-run, drunk-driving serial liar. The group includes the unshaven, bathrobe-clad unemployed who live in their mother's basement and are devout followers of MoveOn.Org. It is also the bitter, aging spinster working at the New York Times, the morbidly obese documentary film maker, and cable TV news' resident drama queen who hosts MSNBC's Countdown. They are about to simultaneously suffer from brain aneurisms. So without further delay, I'll say it.

Barack Obama despises America.

When people who voted for Obama in 2008 -- including registered Democrats -- start speaking in normal conversational voices at dinner parties, neighborhood gatherings and PTA meetings that the over-inflated ego from Chicago has it "in for America," then it's clear most reasonable people have reached the same conclusion.

The central conviction of Obama's ideology is that America is guilty of limitless moral failures and is the chief architect of the world's ills. Obama has boundless enmity for America, its key institutions, and its longtime allies. Consider these facts.

The 30-years of Obama's post-adolescent life are radical by any measure. First, he grew up listening to the ramblings of committed Communist Frank Marshall Davis. It had such a profound effect on him that he wrote fondly of Davis in his first book. In fact, that book is replete with statement after statement about how the U.S. is deeply flawed. Most Americans believe in American exceptionalism. Not so with Obama.

Patriotic Americans would not have listened to the bigoted, anti-Semitic, hate-America rants of a fringe religious leader for 20 seconds let alone for 20 years. Yet, Obama who admitted he attended services at Trinity United Church at least twice a month for two decades called Jeremiah Wright his mentor and his moral sounding board.

Nor would most Americans cultivate a close friendship with an admitted domestic terrorist and his wife whose most notable life's accomplishments were to set off bombs that killed and maimed innocent people.

Joining Al Sharpton and Jeremiah Wright in organizing attendance at Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan's 1995 march on Washington is beyond imaginable. Especially after Farrakhan demonstrated public support for Colonel Muammar Qaddafi during the Libyan Leader's most bellicose years against the U.S., which included Libyan complicity in numerous terrorist attacks.

Obama's view of America in national security and foreign affairs is profoundly disappointing to say the least.

Americans overwhelmingly view the men and women who saved Europe and the Far East during World War II as comprising the Greatest Generation. By his comments and actions, President Obama obviously thinks otherwise.

Obama did not honor American greatness on the 60th anniversary of the Berlin Airlift while on his first European trip. Instead, he accused "America [of having] shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive" toward its European allies.

He also denigrated the accomplishments of the American G.I. during World War II in the Pacific theater when he offered a thinly veiled apology for the U.S. having dropped the A-bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Those acts brought the war to a swift conclusion, perhaps saving hundreds of thousands of lives when it appeared Japan was prepared to wage an island-by-island battle to the last man.

Obama ordered the release of the so-called CIA "torture memos," seriously damaging delicate intelligence relations with allied nations and placing at grave risk the safety of U.S. intelligence officers working overseas. The impact of his action handcuffs the ability of U.S. intelligence officials to protect the U.S. and American interests from acts of terrorism.

In a matter of weeks last spring, Obama gave deference to a variety of belligerent leaders while stiff-arming longtime American allies. First, he called for closer relations with Cuba while ignoring that nation's long list of continuing human rights abuses. Then he warmly welcomed Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez at an Organization of American States summit.

Next, he failed to respond and set the record straight after Nicaragua's Communist leader Daniel Ortega listed alleged U.S. crimes and atrocities during a nearly one-hour rant at the OAS meeting. It is unsettling that in his own remarks Obama incorrectly claimed the OAS has 36 members rather than the actual 34. Ortega and the hemisphere's other Socialist leaders claim the OAS would include 36 members if Cuba and an independent Puerto Rico were allowed to join. Mere coincidence or Freudian slip?

Immediately following the OAS embarrassments, Obama ignored a request from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to meet. Obama would repeat this snub six months later before agreeing at the last moment to meet Netanyahu after the Israeli leader was en route the U.S.

In his speech before the Muslim world, Obama made the patently absurd claim of equivalency between the status of displaced Palestinians and the slaughter of millions of Jews during the Holocaust. His claim that 7 million Muslims live in the U.S. is a figure inflated by as much as 700%.

In an earlier speech, Obama claimed that the U.S. is not a Christian nation, which is at odds with the fact that 79% of Americans self-identify as Christians and the nation's founders were devout Christians.

In less than six months in office, Obama apologized for Guantanamo Bay; for alleged mistakes committed by the CIA; for U.S. policy in the Americas; for America's history of slavery; for "sacrificing [American] values;" for "hasty decisions" in the war on terror; for "America's standing in the world;" for American errors in foreign policy; and for U.S. relations with the Muslim world.

He pronounced Iran's pursuit of nuclear technology acceptable and he warned Netanyahu against targeting Iran's nuclear facilities. Obama's approach to Iran is eerily similar to that of Jimmy Carter, whose actions contributed to the fall of that nation into the control of Islamic radicals.

This summer, the door to greater individual freedoms in Iran was firmly closed shut when Obama announced the U.S would not meddle in Iran's election and he offered no encouragement to democracy activists who protested the obviously stolen elections. His silence was deafening when regime security agents savagely attacked and killed countless Iranians who took to the streets.

In contrast to his deference to anti-American leaders such as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Hugo Chavez, and Daniel Ortega, Obama strong-armed Netanyahu on key Israeli matters. In addition to snubbing the Israeli Prime Minister's requests to meet, Obama demanded an end to Israeli settlements and insisted on the creation of a two-state Palestine solution.

Obama abandoned NATO members Poland and the Czech Republic by canceling the central Europe missile defense plan just as rogue nations North Korea and Iran make advances in nuclear and ballistic missile production. The cancellation was demanded by Moscow authorities who have adopted a more confrontational posture toward the west.

Solidarity with freedom-loving East Germans has been a staple of the American presidency for nearly 50 years. John Kennedy pronounced himself a Berliner. Ronald Reagan demanded Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev "Tear down this wall!" Yet, this bricks and mortar icon of first, Soviet totalitarianism, and then, second, the end of Soviet domination did not make the cut as Obama chose not to attend the 20th anniversary of the fall of the wall. In the summer of 2008, Obama altogether skipped mentioning the role of the U.S. -- or even the West, for that matter -- in bringing down the wall, instead crediting "a world that stands as one."

Obama's disagreement with American values and institutions is evident in domestic issues. He has stocked his administration with wild-eyed radicals who believe foreign law trumps the U.S. Constitution (Harold Koh); include an avowed Marxist and "truther" who believes George Bush was complicit in the 9/11 attack and is also an ardent supporter of cop-killer Mumia Abu Jamal (Van Jones); and include a devoted admirer of Mao Tse-tung who slaughtered as many as 75 million people (Anita Dunn). (In contrast, George W. Bush's Attorney-General nominee John Ashcroft was savaged by the news media for being an Evangelical Christian.)

Three weeks after America's first black president was sworn in, the nation's first black Attorney-General who was hand-picked by Obama, called America "a nation of cowards" for some perceived race relations shortfall. The understood meaning of Eric Holder's comments is that white people are still racists. However, the reality is the people most preoccupied with fomenting the racial divide are those who populate the ranks of the Obama Administration.

Obama's Homeland Secretary designated military veterans as terrorists-in-waiting to be equally as dangerous as other domestic terrorists including pro-lifers and citizens opposed to the flood of illegal aliens.

One of Obama's very few suggestions to cut into his $1.4 trillion budget deficit was to have servicemen and women pay for their own war injuries. He's all for providing free health care to illegal aliens but believes wounded warriors should foot their own hospital bills. In fact, the Defense Department is about the only sector of government in which Obama has proposed slashing spending.

Hours after a belligerent "African-American Studies" Harvard professor engaged in behavior unbefitting anyone let alone a professional man, Obama accused the exceedingly tolerant Cambridge police officers as having "acted stupidly" and then digressed into how people of color have been unfairly treated by white America.

Bush was prolific in quietly and privately visiting the military wounded and family of the fallen. In contrast, Obama attempted to make political capital of his one visit to Dover Air Force Base. Obama's motives were so transparent that families of 17 of the 18 fallen denied permission for Obama to engage in a photo-op alongside the returning caskets.

In May, Obama immediately issued a statement that he was "shocked and outraged by the murder" of a Kansas doctor specializing in partial-birth abortions. He called it a "heinous act of violence." Attorney-General Holder mobilized U.S. Marshals nationwide to provide protection to abortion clinics.

But Obama remained silent the very next day when two U.S. soldiers were gunned down by a Muslim extremist outside a Little Rock recruiting station. After repeated prodding for a presidential comment, the White House faxed an after-hours statement to select media outlets two days later offering a tepid remark that Obama was "saddened" without even mentioning the soldiers were murdered.

Five months later, another Muslim fanatic gunned down nearly four dozen Americans, killing 13, at the Ft. Hood army base. It was an act that demanded the most serious demeanor of the military's Commander-in-Chief. Yet, Obama referenced the massacre in the most insincere fashion just seconds after a jocular shout-out to an audience member during a public speaking engagement. It was the equivalent of attending a funeral in swimwear while en route to the beach.

The odd inadvertent comment or occasional verbal faux pas can be explained away as just that. However, Obama has a lifetime of comments and actions including 10 months as president that belie his real attitude toward the U.S. The difference between Obama and his immediate predecessors such as Ronald Reagan, the George Bushes and Bill Clinton who actually revere and honor the greatness of America and its citizens and institutions cannot be overstated. 

Letter to the Editor

Mark Hyman is a commentator appearing nationally on the television stations of Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc.


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The Democrats say Obamacare opponents are a mob. Are they right?


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Thursday, November 12, 2009



    It is possible that the United States Congress is planning to continue the work of Dr. Kevorkian. Perhaps a former States attorney, such as Congressman Kratovil, can give us his opinion on assisted suicide. While the proposed health care legislation does not actually provide poison, I think it comes close to advocating suicide.
   There is a provision that would require doctors to provide end of life counseling. I suspect the advice would be along the line of, when a doctor informs you of your imminent death, you should not ask to be kept alive in the hope of a cure.
Where does a panel that will cost justify medical treatment, based on your age, become forced suicide ? Perhaps, that might be man slaughter. Another panel will consider the odds of a satisfactory outcome for your treatment. I think that demands that doctors violate the Hippocratic oath they swore to.This could be more than one crime. There certainly are some moral and ethical issues to be considered.
    If you buy into this, off you go to a Hospice. There you will be kept drugged and comfortable waiting to die. You have probably agreed to the withholding of nutrition and fluids. Now the question becomes, will you die of the disease or of dehydration. It takes about a week for dehydration to kill you. How would an objective prosecutor view the Congressional plan ?


For those who are unaware: At all military base theaters, the National Anthem is played before the movie begins.
This is written from a Chaplain in Iraq:
I recently attended a showing of 'Superman 3' here at LSA Anaconda. We have a large auditorium we use for movies, as well as memorial services and other large gatherings. As is the custom at all military bases, we stood at attention when the National Anthem began before the main feature. All was going well until three-quarters of the way through The National Anthem the music stopped. Now, what would happen if this occurred with 1,000 18-22 year-olds back in the States? I imagine there would be hoots, catcalls, laughter, a few rude comments, and everyone would sit down and yell for the movie to begin. Of course, that is, if they had stood for the National Anthem in the first place. Here in Iraq, 1,000 Soldiers continued to stand at attention, eyes fixed forward.
The music started again and the Soldiers continued to quietly stand at attention. But again, at the same point, the music stopped. What would you expect 1000 Soldiers standing at attention to do??
Frankly, I expected some laughter, and every one would eventually sit down and wait for the movie to start. But No!!... You could have heard a pin drop, while every Soldier continued to stand at attention. Suddenly, there was a lone voice from the front of the auditorium, then a dozen voices, and soon the room was filled with the voices of a thousand soldiers, finishing where the recording left off:
"And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave, o'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave."
It was the most inspiring moment I have had in Iraq and I wanted you to know what kind of Soldiers are serving you.
Remember them as they fight for us!


Quietly, we go like sheep to the slaughter.

Does anybody remember the reason given for the establishment of the DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY .........During the Carter Administration ?


Didn't think so.

Bottom line ....We have spent hundreds of billions of dollars on an agency that no one can remember why it was created.
Ready ??? It is very simple. The Department of Energy was created on 8- 4-1977 to lessen our dependence on Foreign oil.Everyone thought, What a great idea.

Hey, Pretty efficient, don't you think ?

Now it is 2009. Thirty two years later. The annual budget for the Department is $24.2 Billion dollars. It employess 16,000 people. They have over 100,000 contract employees.

It is time to slap your forehead and ask, What were they thinking ? Ah yes ... Good old Government bureaucracy.

And now we are going to turn over the running of Banking, the Auto Industry and Health care to these people.

HELLOOO ! Anybody Home?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


                     AARP and some members of the AMA are nothing more than legal prostitutes.
    How can AARP justify its claim to represent the interests of senior citizens by advocating passage of health care legislation, before the Congress? Cutting between $400 and $500 billion dollars from Medicare while 30 million baby boomers will be added to the program, can not be justified. The claim that eliminating waste and fraud will occur, is only a pipe dream. I contend waste and fraud will increase with more participants, as Congress is the "Poster Boy" for waste and fraud.
    A panel that will determine, based on cost, if a patient will receive medical treatment could, indeed, be a death panel. Considering the statistical probability of a successful outcome is outrageous. This brings us to the prostitutes in the AMA. They traded their oath for protection of their compensation. Proof positive that they are engaged in the oldest profession.
     Many, if not all, politicians have long been recognized as prostitutes. Despite their protests to the contrary, they sell their votes for contributions. In time we will learn what has been offered to AARP and the AMA for their support. It is highly unlikely that it will benefit the average citizen.


    The Founding Fathers, James Madison in particular, were very intelligent men. It is very likely they understood that punctuation can change the meaning of a sentence. Many of them commented that the Constitution meant what it said. As the Congress works on the health care legislation, which some claim is authorized by the welfare clause, we need to understand what it says.
    Article 1, Section 8 - as written,
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imports and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imports and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.
* Please note the use of punctuation and the capitalization of certain words. Pay particular attention to the words, general welfare. The words are NOT capitalized nor separated by punctuation. I would argue that general welfare refers to the common Defense and NOT to anything else.
    There are eighteen (18) powers enumerated in Section 8. The shortest consists of six (6) words. "To provide and maintain a Navy" It would seem logical that should they have intended general welfare to have a different meaning, it would have been written as a separate power. The three words, and general welfare would not be in the sentence, but would have been a nineteenth (19) power. I think it would have been written something like this, -
   "To provide for the General Welfare and Health of the United States"
* I seek comments from Legal scholars and English teachers on the meaning of general welfare in this context. I feel the Courts have become too politicized to render an objective opinion. The actions of the Courts, since the 1930s have made the Constitution virtually meaningless.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sign displayed in the Window of a Business in Indiana




This sign was prominently displayed in the window of a business in Whiting, 
You are probably outraged at the thought of such an inflammatory statement.

However, we are a society which holds freedom of Speech as perhaps
our greatest liberty. And after all, it is just a sign. You may
ask what kind of business would dare post such a sign.


            " Owen's Funeral Home"

You gotta love it!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA



   The dictionary defines "BRIBE"  as, anything given or promised as an inducement. How often have our elected officials told us the large campaign contributions, they receive do not effect their votes? Why, then, do their votes almost always benefit the contributor? I will focus on Washington, where the largest BRIBES take place, but state and local officials can be equally guilty.
    A Congressman is appointed to a particular committee and suddenly the industry regulated, by that committee, starts making contributions. Are we to believe they, just then, realized what a fine person the Congressman is? A campaign committee, with a finance chairman receives the money and many in Congress claim they were not aware of the contribution. Is this plausible? An executive a large corporation bundles many small contributions and they claim it does not influence their votes in favor of the corporation.  I am reminded of a Louisiana Congressman who claimed $10,000 dollars that was given to his wife, by a Korean businessman was unknown to him. If your wife received $10,000 dollars, do you think she wouldn't tell you? Members of both political parties engage in this practice, however, due to recent events, I will focus on just one.
   Trial lawyers are one of the largest contributors, if not the largest, to the Democrat party. The independent Congressional Budget Office (CBO) states $54 billion dollars could be saved by "TORT REFORM" yet no pending legislation on health care includes any reform. Do you believe this is just a coincidence? Former Congressman Jefferson, of Louisiana was caught with $90,000 dollars in his freezer, for this he was convicted of accepting a BRIBE. Former Congressman Cunningham is in jail and Congressman Traficant was just released for similar offenses. It is obvious that the Congress will do nothing to cut off this funding source unless the people demand prosecution for this practice. The ethics panels do nothing, probably do to the members being as guilty as those they investigate It is almost amusing that so many members of Congress are former prosecutors, and yet they see nothing wrong or illegal in accepting money from those they oversee, as long as it's kept in a campaign account. To my mind this is a distinction without a difference.

Monday, November 9, 2009




    Other than establishing it, Article III of the U. S. Constitution, spells out neither the most vital specific duties, powers nor organization of the Supreme Court.
"the judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress from time to time ordain and establish."  (it goes on to enumerate many things,but is silent on determining the constitutionality of laws passed by congress or the states)
    Instead, the Constitution left it to Congress and to the justices of the Court itself to develop the authorities and operations of the entire judicial branch of government.
     The very first bill introduced in the United States Senate was the Judiciary act of 1789. It called for the Supreme Court to consist of a Chief Justice and only five Associate Justices. The act also created the position of U. S. Attorney General and assigned the power to nominate Supreme Court Justices to the President of the United States with the approval of the Senate. It was not until 1869 when the number of Justices was set at nine.
      Lacking any specific direction from the Constitution it was not until 1801 when John Marshall became the fourth Chief Justice that He took clear and firm steps to define the role and powers of both the Supreme Court and the Judiciary system. In 1803 in the case of Marbury vs. Madison the Supreme Court, itself, established its power to interpret the U. S. Constitution and to determine the constitutionality of laws passed by congress and the state legislatures.
      For about 150 years,the Congress avoided passing any legislation that might violate the Constitution. When the administration of Roosevelt came into office at the start of the great depression the national debt was $19.5 billion. He threatened to pack the Supreme Court while he forced thru questionable legislation. Ten of these were brought before the Court and eight were ruled unconstitutional. The Court caved on the other two in order to save themselves and the floodgate was opened. Even before the start of WW II the national debt rose to about $400 billion, now reaching $13.3 Trillion.
    It seems to me, a lay person, that Congress forfeited its responsibities  to determine a good part of what is the law. I believe the founding fathers assumed Congress and the Supreme Court would understand the meaning of the words they inscribed.  However, a President made his will supreme. Today, the congress continues to leave  to the President and to others, the writing of legislation and even fails to read what others have written.. Are they but expensive ornaments or entertainers to bedazzle the uninformed?




   Section 8, article 1, commonly referred to as the"WELFARE CLAUSE" and article 3 , commonly referred to as the "COMMERCE CLAUSE" are used to project Washington's power over the States. In order to determine if this is abuse or following the powers granted by the constitution, one should examine Amendments IX and X to determine the intent of the framers.
Amendment IX - The enumeration in the constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Amendment X - The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
Welfare Clause - The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imports and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imports and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.
Commerce Clause - To regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the several states, and the Indian tribes.
    The Congress has interpreted the "General Welfare" as giving it the power as authorizing federal laws governing health care, education, the environment and even the sex lives of the people. The Commerce Clause, which was intended to prevent trade barriers between the states has been broadly interpreted as authority for a host of regulations which have come to include the takeover of private companies.
    The Constitution is the supreme law of the Nation and words do have meaning. It is for the reader to determine if these words are being twisted or adhered to.



     Warren Buffet has told us something important, but are we listening? Buffet made a $5 billion dollar investment in Goldman Sachs.  Why would this brilliant investor and financial advisor to Obama, make this huge investment? He has often said, he only invests in companies he understands. I think the answer can be found by looking at Goldman alumni, serving in government.
      First the Obama administration. - In addition to Larry Summers, economic advisor there is -
Dianna Farrell, Deputy director, National economic council
Stephen Friedman, Chairman, President's foreign intelligence advisory board.Former Chairman of the board, N Y. Federal reserve.
Gary Gensler, Commissioner, commodity futures trading commission, also served a in the treasury dept. under Clinton.
Robert Hormats, Undersecretary for economic, Energy and agricultural affairs, State department.
Philip Murphy, Ambassador to Germany
Mark Patterson, Chief of staff to treasury secretary Geitner.
John Thain, Advisor to treasury secretary Geitner.
    ** Geitners father, Peter, is linked to Ann Dunham, Obama's mother, at the Ford Foundation.
Next the Bush administration. - Names we are familiar with are Henry Paulson, Robert Rubin (both treasury secretaries) Jushua Bolten, White House Chief of Staff, UN ambassador.
Steve Shafran, Edward C. Forst, Dan Jester and Kendrick R. Wilson III, all advisors to Paulson on setting up TARP.
Neel Kashkari, Assistant secretary for financial stability, treasury.
Reuben Jeffery III, State Dept. Undersecretary foe economic, energy and agricultural affairs.
Robert Steel, Treasury Under secretary for domestic finance.
Robert Zoellick, served as Trade representative, Deputy secretary of state and world bank president.
The N. Y. Federal reserve, William C. Dudley, current President/CEO
Other significant positions -
Edward Liddy, AIG CEO
Duncan Niederauer, Chair/CEO NYSE
Jon Corzine, Former senator and current Governor of New Jersey
Significant players in foreign governments -
Malcolm Turnbull, Australia, Mark Carney, Canada, David Watson, England, Romano Prodi, Mario Draghi and Massimo Tononi, the last three Italy.




James Madison, the father of our constitution, explained, "The powers delegated by the proposed constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite."

     The founding fathers had a misguided belief that members of congress would go to the Senate and the House to represent the State and the people that elected them. They feared a too powerful central government with a tyrant as President. The system of checks and balances they devised, with the legislative branch representative of the States and people was supposed to prevent an all powerful federal government.
     The Supreme Court was not given specific authorization to interpret the constitution, instead, the constitution left it to congress and to the justices of the court to develop the authorities and operations of the judicial branch. What has transpired over the years is that the Congress and the Court have conspired in striping the States of any authority. Sure the members of Congress bring pork home, but is this to make the states more dependent on a strong federal government? While the federal ability to tax in order to fund those thing the states can not provide is vital, they now fund everything from state roads to grants for most local projects.
     When did you last hear a member of congress speaking out for states rights?  They do beg for more federal funds for education and other federally mandated programs. This is taxpayer money that never should have gone to Washington. Most of the programs rightfully belong to decisions of the states. One might conclude that congressional members have come to only represent Washington.

Pelosi wins, the Country loses

The recently passed health care legislation, by the House of Representative's, typifies what is destroying our country. When will politician's and the MSM learn governing is not the same as a baseball game? Even were it true (which polls indicate is not) that 51% of people were in favor of the legislation, slapping the other 49% in the face is not real governing. The medical care of the entire country should not be determined by a slim, partisan majority.
When the economy of the country is at stake it is all the more reprehensible, that a few people, as Obama said, can transform the country. America is not a game that should be won or lost by one run. Winning an election is one thing, but then it is time to govern. People are elected to office to represent all of their constituents, when will they learn? Surely rational people can come together to address the problems faced by the country without destroying all that works well in the process.
The country is being led by irrational people bent on an agenda of political domination, without any regard for the citizens of this great country. It is time for this game to end. It is time to elect people that govern for all or at least the vast majority of the citizens.
