Sunday, November 15, 2009


    Everyone understands that the TERRORISTS being transferred from Gitmo to New York for trial, will enjoy the same Constitutional protections of an American citizen. This protection is provided by the XIV Amendment, Section 1, known as the "Equal Protection Clause."  The Terrorists are clearly NOT United States citizens.
    Now certain members of Congress, advocating health care reform legislation, tell us "Illegal aliens" would NOT be covered by their proposed legislation. While the Supreme Court has not directly ruled on this issue, it has ruled on cases that might give an indication of how they will ultimately rule. In the case of Brown v. Board of Education, they ruled, separate but equal, is not constitutional.
    Brown v. Board of education only came into being, because public education existed. It is logical to conclude that if Public Health care comes into being, Illegal aliens could NOT be excluded. Illegal alien children can not now be excluded from public education. It is hard to believe the proponents of public health care, that also claim it would not cover Illegal's are not aware of this.

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