Thursday, November 12, 2009



    It is possible that the United States Congress is planning to continue the work of Dr. Kevorkian. Perhaps a former States attorney, such as Congressman Kratovil, can give us his opinion on assisted suicide. While the proposed health care legislation does not actually provide poison, I think it comes close to advocating suicide.
   There is a provision that would require doctors to provide end of life counseling. I suspect the advice would be along the line of, when a doctor informs you of your imminent death, you should not ask to be kept alive in the hope of a cure.
Where does a panel that will cost justify medical treatment, based on your age, become forced suicide ? Perhaps, that might be man slaughter. Another panel will consider the odds of a satisfactory outcome for your treatment. I think that demands that doctors violate the Hippocratic oath they swore to.This could be more than one crime. There certainly are some moral and ethical issues to be considered.
    If you buy into this, off you go to a Hospice. There you will be kept drugged and comfortable waiting to die. You have probably agreed to the withholding of nutrition and fluids. Now the question becomes, will you die of the disease or of dehydration. It takes about a week for dehydration to kill you. How would an objective prosecutor view the Congressional plan ?

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