Monday, November 9, 2009


     Warren Buffet has told us something important, but are we listening? Buffet made a $5 billion dollar investment in Goldman Sachs.  Why would this brilliant investor and financial advisor to Obama, make this huge investment? He has often said, he only invests in companies he understands. I think the answer can be found by looking at Goldman alumni, serving in government.
      First the Obama administration. - In addition to Larry Summers, economic advisor there is -
Dianna Farrell, Deputy director, National economic council
Stephen Friedman, Chairman, President's foreign intelligence advisory board.Former Chairman of the board, N Y. Federal reserve.
Gary Gensler, Commissioner, commodity futures trading commission, also served a in the treasury dept. under Clinton.
Robert Hormats, Undersecretary for economic, Energy and agricultural affairs, State department.
Philip Murphy, Ambassador to Germany
Mark Patterson, Chief of staff to treasury secretary Geitner.
John Thain, Advisor to treasury secretary Geitner.
    ** Geitners father, Peter, is linked to Ann Dunham, Obama's mother, at the Ford Foundation.
Next the Bush administration. - Names we are familiar with are Henry Paulson, Robert Rubin (both treasury secretaries) Jushua Bolten, White House Chief of Staff, UN ambassador.
Steve Shafran, Edward C. Forst, Dan Jester and Kendrick R. Wilson III, all advisors to Paulson on setting up TARP.
Neel Kashkari, Assistant secretary for financial stability, treasury.
Reuben Jeffery III, State Dept. Undersecretary foe economic, energy and agricultural affairs.
Robert Steel, Treasury Under secretary for domestic finance.
Robert Zoellick, served as Trade representative, Deputy secretary of state and world bank president.
The N. Y. Federal reserve, William C. Dudley, current President/CEO
Other significant positions -
Edward Liddy, AIG CEO
Duncan Niederauer, Chair/CEO NYSE
Jon Corzine, Former senator and current Governor of New Jersey
Significant players in foreign governments -
Malcolm Turnbull, Australia, Mark Carney, Canada, David Watson, England, Romano Prodi, Mario Draghi and Massimo Tononi, the last three Italy.


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